Metrolink Silica Cloud in LA Daily News - Let's Make Metrolink Accountable in 2019!

“There was dust over the LA River and dust was blowing toward Cypress Park, hundreds of feet from where people live,” Mills said. “I am used to seeing black clouds any time they start up their locomotives. But this time I saw a white cloud of dust, 1,000 to 1,500 feet in the air.”

As we begin 2019, we are so grateful for the in-depth, detailed article by environmental journalist Steve Scauzillo that covers the immense, white cloud we documented wafting into our communities from the Metrolink Central Maintenance Facility (CMF) silos. Please join our mailing list and be part of making Metrolink accountable their negative impact on public health in our communities!

Please read this important piece of journalism and share widely!

CMF Silo Dust - August 25, 2018